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Reads or Downloads Stick insects, stick bugs and leaf insects as pets. Stick insects care, facts, costs, food, handling Now
Keeping and Caring for Stick Insects as Pets ~ As a rule stick insects need an enclosure that is three times as tall as the length of the insect For Indian stick insects this means a cage a minimum of 12 inches tall although a little taller would be better Glass aquaria 10 to 15 gallon tall glass jars plastic pet containers and other similar containers work well for housing but the lid needs to be wellventilated and secure to prevent escapes
Stick insects stick bugs and leaf insects as pets Stick ~ Stick insects stick bugs and leaf insects as pets Stick insects care facts costs food handling cages health breeding and where to buy all included Elliott Lang on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Everything you need to know about stick insects as pets This is another very informative book by Elliott Lang As an animal lover
Stick insects as pets Keeping Insects ~ Stick insects are insects that often mimic sticks branches or leaves There are over 6000 stick insect species on Earth many of which are kept as pets This is a subadult nymph of the stick insect Extatosoma tiaratum
Taking care of stick insects Keeping Insects ~ The cage of your stick insect should be at least 3 times the body length of the insect in height and 2 times the body length in width If you keep more than one stick insect you have to add some space for each one of them preferably in width of the tank
Leaf Insect Phyllium philippinicum Keeping Insects ~ As with all species of stick insects it needs a cage that is at least 3 times the length of the insect in height and at least 2x the length of the insect in width For one adult female this means at least 18 cm high and 12 cm wide but better is around 30 x 30 x 30 cm Bigger is always better
Giant Leaf Insect Phyllium giganteum Keeping Insects ~ As with all species of stick insects Phyllium giganteum needs a cage that is at least 3 times the length of the insect in height and at least 2x the length of the insect in width For one adult female this means at least 30 cm high and 20 cm wide but better is around 40 x 30 x 30 cm Bigger is always better
Interesting facts about stick insects Just Fun Facts ~ Stick insects mainly feed on leaves and other green plants Some are very specialized feeding only upon a favored plant species Others are generalists Their droppings contain brokendown plant material that becomes food for other insects One of the most interesting facts about stick insects is their ability to reproduce parthenogenetically This is a form of asexual reproduction where the unfertilized females produce eggs that hatch into females
Leaf Insect caresheet Amateur Entomologists Society AES ~ This means that if your leaf insect is an adult then it wont be able to regrow the lost limb Further information on Stick insects and Leaf insects Essential reading from the Amateur Entomologists Society Rearing and Studying Stick and Leafinsects Vol 22 The Amazing World of Stick and Leaf insects Vol 26
Giant Prickly Stick Insect Extatosoma tiaratum Keeping ~ As with all species of stick insects the Giant Prickly Stick Insect needs an enclosure that is at least 3 times the length of the animal in height and at least 2x the length of the animal in width For an adult female this means at least 45 cm high about 18 inch and 30 cm wide approximately one foot
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